
dying to get out.

Lately I've been dying to go do stuff with my friends. Anything. But it seems that either I'm too busy with school, work or homework, or my friends are too busy with whatever they have going on. Or it could be that most of my friends live very far away. Like Celeste, for example. If it wasn't for the four or five hours if driving time, there would be no stopping us! And Emily. She lives about two hours away, which is no fun at all because she was my one and only concert buddy. Not one of my friends (that lives close) enjoys the rush of concerts like she does. We share that, and it's a good thing.
All this brings out my excitement to move out with Celeste and Erica in August of this year. It will be SO nice to have a couple of friends who live close enough to do fun activities with. (one will live in the same bedroom as me, and one will live across the hall) Until that time comes, I'll probably be bored out of my mind. But, the day we all move out together, all the fun times will begin, and I will actually have a social life!
My list of things to do when I move out with these girls:
    1. Have a Girls' Night Out every month.
    2. Make a few videos.
    3. Knock on a cute guy's door, and ask him if you can borrow a cup of sugar.
    4. Bake desserts for cute guys, so we'll have a good bargain position for a date.
    5. Go to concerts! Allred, Love You Long Time, The Maine, anything!
    6. Two words: Space Mission.
    7. Go on a scavenger hunt!
    8. Party.
    9. Date, date, date, date, date.
    10. Build a fort. A really big fort.
    11. Go on photo shoots.

That's all I have so far. I'm excited to see what Celeste and Erica have. We'll have a huge, long list by the time we put all of ours together. This shall be a blast...


  1. Just you wait!

    I have a crazy long list of my own already.


    As for your situation, I've been there, and I've found a way around it. You will too.

  2. I will go to concerts with you! Well, when I can afford it. :D I love concerts!
