
"do we look like twin codfish?"

The other night, on Saturday, the 6th, I went to my sister's school play, "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." It was great, and I was surprised how good they were at acting! But the whole highlight of the night was after the play, when Rachel, Dylan, Alex, Cassie, Sara, Tanner, Clayne, and I all went to Carl's Jr. Ya know that time of night when you get a little crazy, and do things you normally wouldn't do? Well, it was that time of the night for most of us, (well, okay, my table: Clayne, Tanner, Sara and me) and we were bouncing off the walls, going off about codfish!

It all started when Sara and I went up to Dylan, and asked "Do we look like twin codfish?" and we both did our ugly little Barlocker frowns (I swear, only my family can do them). Then Clayne and Tanner got into it, and we started making up stories about codclouds and codblades.

Then, we started saying "codfi." It's plural for "codfish!" Fun fun. "Do we look like twin codfi? :("

Well, we were all sitting there, most of us drinking our shakes we had ordered. My shake had a whole bunch of whipped cream on the top, which I didn't really like, so I scooped all of it off, and put it on a napkin. Dylan, being the weird kid he is, took the napkin and started eating the whipped cream! And then Clayne yells out "Dylan! Stop eating the codcream!" hahaha.

You're probably wondering why I haven't told you what codcloud, codblade or codcream is. Trust me; you don't want to know. :)

After that, we all went into the play area and had a blast! It was quite possible the funnest night in my life, so far. Definately something I will always remember.

Clayne + Tanner + Twin Codfi = Awesome. The end.

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