

I've wanted to be a lot of things when I was younger. I think at one point, I wanted to be a fire truck when I grew up, haha. I guess by that, I meant I wanted to be a fire fighter. I've also, at some point in my life, wanted to be a Cosmetologist, a Psychologist, a Marine Biologist and a Sociologist. But now that I'm in college, I've come to the conclusion that I want to major in Photography. That sounds totally lame, being compared to what I thought about going into in the past, but photography is something that I love to do, and I have a desire to study it, and use it in my life. I love it!
But the more I think about it, the more I realize that I don't want to be tied down to doing just one thing for the rest of my life - that being photography. Yes, I do enjoy it a lot, but I want variety. I want to try different things everyday. The more I think about it, I'd really like to be a chef, a nanny, a doctor, a teacher, a therapist, a maid (yes, i do enjoy cleaning occasionally. call me crazy.), a taxi driver, a seminary teacher, a coach.
I've come to the conclusion that there's only one profession that includes all of the above. That is, a mother. A mother can be a chef as she cooks delicious home-cooked meals for her family, a nanny as she takes care of her young kids and loves them, a doctor as she kisses her child's owie all better, and puts on a brightly colored band aid and gives them a lollipop, a teacher as she teaches her children what she has learned over the years, a therapist as she listens to her children when they're having a hard day, and cheers them up, a maid as she cleans up after her children when they're young and don't know better, a taxi driver as she drives her children to all their appointments and practices, a seminary teacher as she teaches her children about the gospel, and prepares them for the temple, and a coach as she sits on the side lines and cheers for them as they play their favorite sport.
This is what I want to do. This is what I want to be when I'm older: a mother to my children. I don't want to drop my kids off at a daycare center while I rush to work. I want to be home with my children, teaching them and learning from them, and making memories they'll remember when they're parents.

When Kody and I first started writing to each other, he asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told him that I was studying photography, and that I wanted to be a photographer. Then I added that I also wanted to be a mother, above everything else. In the next letter I got from him, he complimented me on my desire to be a mother. He said, "I want to commend you Megan... I think it is amazing that you want to be a mom when you get older. That is something I really look up to you for." I've thought about it a lot, and I've realized that, when I'm ready to get married, I want a husband who will support me in my responsibility to be a mother to my children. To teach them and to nurture them and to love them. I want my husband to be someone who will look up to me for the things that I do with my children, and the time I spend with them.

My mom did this exact thing. She stayed home with us everyday. Not only did she stay home with us, but she taught us, too. We were home schooled, and she was our teacher. I won't forget all the memories I've had sitting around the table, goofing off with my two sisters and my brother and my mom. I am so grateful to her for not sending us to public school, where sex and drugs occupy the hallways. I'm so grateful that she made an effort to stay home with us everyday and teach us what she would have us learn, and what she felt would benefit us later in our lives. Along with gaining a great knowledge, we also gained a great friendship with one another. Daniel, me, Rachel and Sara are best friends. We stick by each other, no matter what. It's all because of my mom. She's the greatest.

There are three mothers who I want to be just like when I have my own kids. They are all very loving, and willing to teach their kids, and nurture them. The three mothers I want to be like are my mom, Chrissy Johnson and Amber Brundage. They are my role models.

"Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to the angels."
(James R. Clark - Massages to the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints)


  1. Megan,
    when we're super talented and educated mothers, can our kids play together?

    I think it would be fun. We could hang out while they played, and it would only be better.

  2. Celeste,
    I'm totally up for that. Haha, I laugh at this because I've already got my kids' lives planned out. Their Kindergarten teacher will be one of my foster kids, and they will take drums from my friend, Erik! :)

    No, I'm kidding. I'm not going to force them into anything. But I would enjoy letting my kids hang out with your kids. It's a deal.

  3. awesome! I'm glad.
    Our kids will be fantastic together, I'm sure.
