
yesterday's happenings.

Last night, Zac and I were planning on going to my friend, Valeri's wedding reception. I woke up that morning feeling kinda sick, but I toughed it out. I decided that a wedding reception was a really good reason to get dressed up, so I did my hair like I've never done it before, and did ALL of my make up and went to work.
During work, I didn't even feel like talking, which is probably a bad thing where I work. I had a headache, a sore throat, a cough, and my legs ached like crazy.
Zac and I were planning on going to the reception right after I got home from work, but on my way home, I was feeling terrible, so I called him and told him that I didn't want to go.
Shortly after arriving to my apartment, Zac came over, and we made dinner. After cleaning up, I was exhausted and cuddled with him on the couch until I fell asleep. While I was half asleep, Zac got up, went into my bedroom and got my pillow and my blanket. He came out and put the pillow under my head, and the blanket over my shivering body, tucking me in, and took off my shoes. It was cute. I fell back asleep while he did homework.
When I woke up two hours later, Erica and Wes had already gotten there, and were talking to Zac. Then we helped Erica hang up her posters in the living room with the new push pins she bought. (Merry Christmas push pins!)
After that, Zac said, "Let's make orange rolls!" We've been planning on making orange rolls for a long time, but never got around to it, so I started. It was about 11:00 pm by this time.
Three hours later, at 2:00 am, after Wes and Zac left, I finished the orange rolls. I had no idea they were going to take that long, but they were delicious! Erica and I each ate one, and went to bed.

Tonight I'm going ice skating with Zac, Erica, Wes, Sarah, Luke and maybe Rachel. And I'm bringing my camera! Maybe we'll make a stop to our special spot. I can't tell you where it is, though. It's a secret.

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