

If you know me really well (or even just slightly), you know that I laugh. A lot. Maybe too much? But, nonetheless, I try to keep a positive look on life, and I've found that laughing at things really makes a huge difference. There have been times that I was so mad at someone for doing something, and all of the sudden, I'd just burst out in laughs, and so would the other person, making it almost impossible for me to stay mad at them.
It is true that I have given pity laughs at times that they were needed, and maybe I've chuckled a few times to break the silence. But when I truly laugh at things I find really amusing, you can definitely tell. It's kind of like a big boom.
My most unique laugh, though, is my silent laugh. My sisters and I share this, because it sort of originated from us, as far as we know. It's a laugh so ridiculous, it has to be silenced from all mankind!
It all started when we were riding with my parents in the car somewhere. Parents in front; girls in back. We started laughing really hard about something, and my dad told us to be quiet, because the sound of laughing irritates him. (We always used to joke that my dad hates happiness, and that we're all going to turn emo one day because we can't laugh around him.) So, to honor my dad's request, we just kind of unconsciously made up this silent laugh that we use around our dad. I've noticed that the times I laugh the hardest are (unfortunately) the times I'm in the car with my sisters and my parents. So, I seem to use my silent laugh when I laugh at the funniest things. And that, my friends, is how you can tell I'm really enjoying myself.
...It looks like my regular laughing face, but there's no sound coming out.


  1. Ha ha, believe or not, I too have a silent laugh! But, I think it is different from yours, mine happens when I am laughing incredibly hard, I have no more air, so I just laugh with no sound until I almost pass out and have to stop to breath.

  2. hahahaha I love silent laughs. that's what I did in primary today when one of my sunbeams completely cracked up in front of the whole primary, not to mention a member of the general primary board and stake primary board, who were visiting. He was giving the scripture, and giggled into the microphone the whole way through. Short verse, looong presentation.

  3. I adore your silent laugh.

    I also adore your out-loud laugh though.

