I believe I've mentioned this before, but every Monday morning, while August emails his family, he sends emails to my phone number, which I receive as text messages. We text back and forth for an hour. About 80% of all the texts I get from him are really cute and sweet, but if I get one that is above average, I will save it in my phone. For fear of breaking my phone and losing all of them (and because I think they're just way freaking cute--and sometimes way funny), I will share with you all the ones I have locked in my phone.
12/21/09: "Megan, you're cute."
(This was the 2nd week he texted me, before I knew he loved me.)
1/4/10: "I love Heavenly Father so much too. He is amazing. I love you second most. :)"
3/29/10: " 'Put your little hand in mine. I've got yours and baby, you've got mine! Babe. I got you babe.' "
(Often, August will tell me about a song that reminds him of me. Then he'll quote the lyrics.)
7/5/10: "I love you Megan Marie. You're perfect for me. Outie bellybuttons are hot. :)"
7/19/10: "Bye bye Love. You're my favorite flower. :)"
(At the beginning of this conversation, I sent him a picture of some flowers, asking, "Are these your favorite flowers?")
7/26/10: "Dang, you're smokin' hot!!! RAWR! :)"
(He sent this right after I sent him a picture of me when I just woke up, haha.)
7/26/10: "I love you bunches, baby. Have a great week, and keep looking hot. :) You're the best. XOxo"
Shout out to my boyfriend! He's cute, eh? I like him.
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