Back in High School, I was the drummer in an all-girl band called TeliFone Pole. Emily was the guitarist and Erica played the bass. We only played a handful of actual live shows, but what made us better to perform at those shows was when we called people up on the phone and played a song or two for them, whether they liked it or not.
I had written a song for a boy named Tom, basically apologizing to him for something I didn't do. It was probably the worst song I've ever written in my life. But once we got all the parts down, we called Tom up and played him the song over the phone. Back then, I didn't feel weird about it, but now, looking back, I am so embarrassed for my High School self. The people we called had to have thought we were so dumb. But everytime I think about it, it makes me laugh.
hahaha trust me, I did super embarrassing things in high school too. Your brother could probably testify. Like when I would be all emo and play piano by myself at a party. What the heck? Looking back now, that was a decision definitely not made by a brain.