

That's right. I'm doing an experiment, and my sisters are the rats. Lately Rachel and Sara have been huge jerks to me, and it's making me feel bad about myself, to be honest.
If anybody knows me really well, they know that I'm totally whack, and down right weird sometimes. It's not that I'm immature. I'm just not up tight about a lot of things, and I like to have fun. And, to face the facts, I'm still growing up. I just barely turned into an adult about 9 months ago, and I've still got a lot of learning to do. I'm definately not going to act as mature as someone who is in their early 20's, or 30's. They've experienced more things in life that I have.
I guess the point I'm trying to get across is that I'm not immature. I definately don't act as childish as I did about a year ago. But Sara and Rachel are being really rude to me lately, saying that I'm really immature, and that I should act like an adult. They think that just because I'm in college I need to dress up in a suit with my hair pulled back in a bun, arms folded, giving dirty looks to everyone who makes me mad. Well, even when I'm 50 years old I won't act like that, because I just like to have fun. And sometimes, I like to let loose after a long, ten hour day at school and work. Call me crazy, but that's what keeps me sane. Personal dance parties, sing-alongs, and sometimes even hand puppets are a way for me to get it all out. It's either that, or I yell at everyone and display my PMS big time.
So, this is what I shall do: For one week, starting tomorrow, I will act really mature (well, Rachel's and Sara's description of it). I will strictly ban all fun, and pull out my dirty looks, and maybe even a little PMS out on them. When they try to joke around with me, I'll look at them with a look that says Why are you bringing this up, you immature little highschooler. Don't you know I'm in college? I don't have time for this. Maybe I'll even ignore them a few times, just to see what they do. They want a mature big sister? They got it.
Maybe by the end of this week they'll appreciate me for who I am.

1 comment:

  1. haha Megan, this sort of sounds like a recipe for disaster. You better do some serious hand-puppetting and secret dance-partying in your room when nobody is watching if you want to pull this off.

    Good luck though. I hope they quit being so mean to you.
