
a few of my favorite things.

I like a lot of things, but my favorites are these...

  • Old houses. I love Utah Valley, because there are a lot of old houses almost everywhere you drive (especially Lehi, American Fork and Provo). I like the little, old ones that were built in the 1920's, 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. I love the detail and the designs. I think they are GORGEOUS, and I think they have so much more class that the newer houses are lacking badly.
  • Antiques. Whether it be furniture, jewelery, or clothing, I love it all. Like houses, I just think older things (1920's to 1950's) have much more style and class. It's aesthetically pleasing to me.
  • Skirts. I love wearing skirts, but I haven't had the chance to wear them much lately because of the cold weather. I also love tights.
  • Flowers. I LOVE flowers. Any kind, any color. I just love them. I love receiving them, I love looking at them. They're pretty, and they smell fantastic.
  • Old movies. Ya know, the black and white ones with no scandalous scenes or crude language. Especially Audrey Hepburn films. She's wonderful, and I love her acting. She's classy, too, and I like that.
  • Good music. Not the stuff they play on the radios, but the good stuff that not a lot of people know about. For example: Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, Broken Social Scene, M83 and OK Go. I also love oldies, like The Turtles (I've been on a Turtles rush lately. I can't get enough of them!), The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Carly Simon, and The Carpenters. I love classic music that doesn't go out of style.
  • Colors. I love bright and vibrant colors. When I was in high school, I liked neon colors. I've settled down a bit since then, but I still love colors.
  • Clothes. If someone gave me a million dollars, I'd probably buy clothes (and probably some camera equipment, too). I just love them. I LOVE dressing up.
  • Photography. What can I say? It's my major. I adore it. I love everything about photography. Cameras (especially vintage cameras!), being in the darkroom (for fun, not necessarily when it's for a class), editing. I just love it. I hope to get better.
  • Kids. Aww, I love them. Especially my niece and nephew who are about a year and a half old. They're adorable, and it makes me excited to have my own.
  • Food and cooking. It's a wonder why I'm decently skinny. I eat so much. I get excited about food. Like a school girl gets excited about her secret crush. And cooking! Ah, I love it. I can't explain it, I just love it.
  • Big cities. I like walking around in them. In August my family went to San Francisco, and we walked around downtown all day, and I LOVED it! I was snapping pictures every 5 seconds, and enjoying life. I also really like downtown Salt Lake City, and even downtown Provo.
  • Thunder storms. I love watching the rain fall as the lightning strikes and the thunder booms while cuddled up in a blanket on the porch. I also love the smell of rain.
  • Reading. I didn't start liking it until a few years ago, when I decided to read for fun. Now, when I have spare time, it's all I ever do.
  • Writing. I'm not good by any means, but I love to write. It helps me think and get things out of my head.
  • Chartreuse. The most beautiful color, I think. Well, by itself, anyway.
  • Long, serious talks. I'm not too close with a lot of people. Maybe only 2 or 3. But I love talking to the people I am close with. A lot. It's like a drug to me. I can never get enough of it.
  • The Beach. This sounds weird coming from a girl who grew up and still lives in Utah, but I love the beach. Not the typical surfing beach where tons of people lie out and tan or play in the water, but empty beaches, where the weather is a little colder (but not too cold), and it's cloudy and there are lots of logs, rocks and plants scattered everywhere.
  • The DI. I love what you can find there. I love searching for cool things, and seeing what you find. I also love Target. That's probably my all-time favorite store.
  • Temple Square. Ah, what's not to love about it? This is one of the only places I actually like in the winter. It's also gorgeous in the summer. It's probably my favorite place to be.
  • Surprises. Even though I'll ask you a million questions about them, I LOVE surprises. Probably more than a lot of things on this list. Whether they be big or small, I love being surprised any day.

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