I got off an above-average day of work at 7:00 pm, and about half an hour later, Zac picked me up in his sweet '08 red Eclipse. (I feel like a rock star every time he takes me for a ride in that thang.) We were both kind of nervous at first. I don't know what it is, but every time I go on a real date, I freak myself out and get all nervous.
We listened to Copeland on the way over to Subway (he told me we'd get Subway on our hawt date, and I was looking forward to it all day!). We ordered our sandwiches, and took them with us to Bridal Veil Falls, where we sat on the bridge right in front of the water fall and ate and talked. It was dark, and people kept shining their flashlights on us, and we kept hearing explosions from down the trail from people who had giant yogurt containers. It was pretty chilly, but thankfully we both brought jackets, and we took turns warming up each other's hands. The stars were out, and since it was so dark, you could see them really well. It was gorgeous up there.
When we finished our sandwiches, we walked back to the car (but not before I tripped over some holes in the trail a few times) and we headed further up the canyon to Sundance to ride the ski lift together. We rode the shuttle to the lift, and got on as unawkwardly as we could (which turned out to be not so awkward) and were lifted up the mountain.
The full moon was out and was shining down on the mountain, making it just beautiful. Zac and I talked about everything that was on our minds, which turned into some pretty deep conversation, which I love. We sat there on our little lift just talking and holding each other's cold hands, our feet dangling above the steep, steep mountain. At one point, on our way back down the lift, we were going down one of the most steep mountains I've ever seen, and I got a little scared, but Zac held onto me really tight and told me not to be scared. It was sweet.
When we got off the lift, we decided to take a picture of the both of us, because we'd regret it if we didn't. So we got a really nice and funny couple to take our picture on Zac's iPhone, and then we boarded the shuttle back to the car.
On the way home, I was the DJ, and we listened to slow songs (except for "Fit, But You Know It" by The Streets, because it made me laugh that Zac had that song on his iPhone, and I just had to listen to it). When we got out of the canyon, I got a text from our good ol' friend, Rachel (pronounced, "RAY-CHEL," in an obnoxious voice) that said, "I miss your beautiful face!" Zac and I decided to stop by her apartment and surprise her with our presence. After hanging out at her apartment for a few minutes, we all piled into Zac's car (Rachel laid down in the back seat because it's small back there and that's the best way she fits) and drove the half block to my apartment, where we watched TV until Wes, Erica and Ryan came. While everyone else watched Freaks and Geeks (I highly recommend that show), Zac and I fell fast asleep (seriously, we were out cold).
Wes and Ryan woke Zac up (I was too deep in sleep to be woken up at that time) and they left. I woke up this morning at 4:00 to find out that I was still in my clothes, so I put on my pajamas and went back to bed.
All I can say is this: That was the best first date I've ever been on.

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