What I'll be doing: Spending time with my family on Memorial Day.
Where I'll be: Hopefully in the mountains, but not at my house. I want to hike.
What I'll have accomplished: I will have finished my 25th text/email conversation with my dear August.
What I'll learn by then: More patience, even if it's a small dose. I'm constantly praying for ways to improve my patience lately.
One week.
What I'll be doing: Starting to work full-time hours! Yay!
Where I'll be: At work, or at home. Either of the two are very likely. What social life?
What I'll have accomplished: I'll have my new lens ordered. Oh my gosh, I am way too excited.
What I'll learn by then: How to cook better. My mom and I will have some bonding time.
One month.
What I'll be doing: Still working! It'll go on and on and I'll hate it but it will be so worth it, because my savings account will be fat.
Where I'll be: I'm gonna say I'll be spending time with Emily before she leaves for India.
Where I'll be: I'm gonna say I'll be spending time with Emily before she leaves for India.
What I'll have accomplished: I'll become a better sister and daughter.
What I'll learn by then: A whole bunch of patience, mostly through work. Foster kids...
One year:
What I'll be doing: Spending time with August! He'll be home by then.
Where I'll be: Just living at home, back from my third year of college.
What I'll have accomplished: Twenty pounds lighter with a really good attitude. Also, I will have accomplished all the goals I've made and will make.
What I'll learn by then: True love in person, and not just through letters.
Five years:
What I'll be doing: Just kickin' back with my sweetheart and kid(s). Working on my Photography business, and loving life.
Where I'll be: Probably in Utah, but hopefully living out of the country. It's not likely though.
What I'll have accomplished: Marriage, college, and baby makin'.
What I'll learn by then: Selflessness, how to be a good wife and a good mother, and true love on a deeper level than before.
Ten years:
What I'll be doing: Making lunches, sending my kids off to school, changing diapers, taking pictures for a living and loving my husband.
Where I'll be: Utah. I'll want to be back in Utah by this time.
What I'll have accomplished: Probably a lot of what my Patriarchal Blessing mentions, and also I will have become a great Photographer.
What I'll learn by then: How to be a great Photographer, and my testimony will be so much more strong.
Twenty years:
What I'll be doing: Dealing with bratty teenagers, and stressing out because we don't have enough money to send our bratty teenagers to college.
Where I'll be: Still Utah. It's a good place to be.
What I'll have accomplished: Dealing with bratty teenagers, and wonderful callings in the church.
What I'll learn by then: Important life lessons for the 40-year-old LDS house wife, and how to embarrass the heck out of my kids.
Thirty years:
What I'll be doing: Becoming a grandma, and seeing my kids grow up and move out.
Where I'll be: Utah. Or someplace warm. But probably Utah.
What I'll have accomplished: Happiness, mid-life crisis, being a mother, grandmother, and daughter at the same time, mostly everything on my bucket list.
What I'll learn by then: My life's purpose.

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