
why me?

As I look at the people around me, more specifically, the people I know who have chosen to go a separate way than what they have been taught, I can't help but wonder "Why them and not me?"
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I'm where I'm at right now, but I see these people I knew in the past; people who I would've never imagined would end up getting a girl pregnant, doing drugs, killing themselves, going against everything they were taught and everything they were raised to believe.
I can't help but to think "I've had my share of problems, just like anyone else, but why am I still a member of this church? Why has Heavenly Father let me overcome those trials I faced when I was an ignorant teenager, to be who I am today? What makes me different than all of those people?"
When I think about it, I come to one conclusion. That is, that Heavenly Father needs me to be strong to help build his church up in these last days. Every challenge he gave me, knowing I could, quite possibly, mess it up and go spiraling downward. But he's given me his trust, knowing I could handle everything he's put in my way, and I feel like I have.
I'm special. Heavenly Father has chosen me as one of his children to prepare the way for Christ's Second Coming. Not only has he chosen me, but he has chosen you, too. All of us were saved to come at this time. But not everyone chooses to make it. But I know what I chose.
With that being said, I'd like to thank Heavenly Father for the blessings he's given me that have helped me hold on to the rod, even if it was just by one finger. The blessings who have made me who I am today.
  • My parents. They have raised me so well, in the way that Heavenly Father would've raised me if he was here on the earth. They have taught me a lot of lessons that I use everyday of my life, and that help me get closer to returning to my Heavenly Father.
  • My church leaders. My bishop, and my two young womens leaders. They have opened my eyes to so many wonderful things, and have helped me set the goals in my life that I feel are important to accomplish. Not only that, they support me in those goals, too.
  • My friends. Heavenly Father really couldn't have blessed me with more amazing friends if I wanted him to. When I say my friends are awesome, it's the complete truth. They have strengthened my testimony by sharing theirs, and it has made me want to share mine, too. I can always count on them to back me up if I'm in a tough situation.
  • My relationship with my Heavenly Father. As of August last year, I have really been trying to come to know of him, and get to know him better, and have real conversations with him. I've come to find out that he is there, listening to everything I have to say. He also talks to me, too, telling me what I should do, and giving me guidance when I need it the most. He's a great friend.
  • Prayer. Where would I be without it? It has blessed my life in ways I can't even explain. If I have a testimony of anything, it would be prayer.
  • Scriptures. Who knew that people who lived thousands of years ago could know what to say to help me in my life right now? The olden day prophets are superb men, who really know what they're talking about. I love reading their words.
  • My patriarchal blessing. What a wonderful gift. Just when I'm about to lose it, I can go and read it, and know why I'm going through the things I'm going through, and know what to do. I have learned a lot about myself through this letter from God, and it helps me everyday. I've memorized parts of it, and even when I don't have it on me, I can recite certain phrases of it, and know that I'll be okay.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely an inspiring friend to have! It's great to read something like this when I'm feeling spiritually down. Thank you. :)
