Part one: Hours of boredom.
Yes, I was bored for hours. I woke up right in time to see my dad leave for work. My mom and sisters were already gone. So I was home alone. I spent a good portion of my time on the computer, checking my facebook account several times, and also playing around on my blog. After that, I decided to get dressed. It was really nice because I had a few hours before I had to go to work, so I had lots of time to pick out my outfit. Usually, I have about five minutes to pick out what I'm going to wear, and I think that's probably why my outfits always look bad. I don't have time to think about it. I finally found the perfect outfit! It was a summer outfit, with flatts, but I didn't care! I liked it! Then, I looked out my window to find a blizzard outside. Dang. New outfit. I finally decided on a emerald green shirt, a dark purple scarf, jeans and dark brown uggs. I like it!
Part two: Am I really getting paid to do this?
I love my job. That's about it. My foster kid and I headed over to the office after I picked him up from school, because he had a doctor's appointment. I met up with Emily and her foster kid, because they were in the office, too, and we played card games for about an hour. When my kid came out, the four of us went into the jets room and played dress ups! I honestly didn't think the two teenaged boys would be that into it when we suggested it to them, but they went all out! It was a blast, and my kid's girly voice and poses were hilarious! Boy, what a night!
Part three: Shirtless men in my backyard!
It's true! I saw them myself! We had a cast party tonight at our house for Sara's school play, and afterwards, a few of them ran outside and took of their shirts and made snow angels! Okay, so maybe it was only Dylan and Justin. In fact, Justin took off more than just his shirt... It all started when I looked out the window, and what did I see? Justin in his pa-a-anties (sung to the tune of "popcorn popping"). Justin had taken off his pants, and ran around in his boxers! And I didn't get a picture! But I did get a picture of him and Dylan without shirts. I'm sure Kim and Rachel liked it.
So, all in all, it was a fabulous day! I really needed it.
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